What is A Momtrovert?
All the moms who don’t care about other kids’ potty training schedules, gather round.
When you get back out into the wild after having a baby — the wild being the outside of the confines of your home — you feel liberated. You feel free, alive and excited for what the day will bring.
Whether you are braving your first mommy and me class, headed to the gym or meeting up with a mom friend for lunch, the last thing you want to talk about is your child and your child’s latest habits/developments.
Introducing (and warmly welcoming) the era of momtroverts.
What is A Momtrovert?
A momtrovert is a modern mother (most likely a millennial mother) who has grown tired of talking about baby/kid-related matters, and instead, would rather discuss adult topics like The Voice or (gasp) the Democratic debate at preschool drop-off and nights out with friends.
To be clear, momtroverts like their kids (and maybe even other kids, too). The difference between momtroverts and non-momtroverts is that momtroverts prioritize healthy adult conversation (like what books we’re reading, recent movies we’ve seen, and our latest discoveries of must-listen-to podcasts) over what brand of sippy cups don’t spill.
In sum, momtroverts aren’t like regular moms — you guessed it! — they’re cool moms.
Why is Being A Momtrovert Important?
Being a momtrovert is about so much more than being labeled as “cool mom” or “modern mom.”
While we do pride ourselves on being both of those things, being a momtrovert signifies an entire (not yet established) Momtrovert Movement that encourages women to speak up about their feelings, their ideas and their opinions on life topics — not in place of talking about their children — but in addition to.
We aren’t helping anyone (or gaining anything) by pretending to be immersed in a conversation centralizing on Jennifer’s daughter’s fairy wings, or worse, watching a video of Jennifer’s daughter wearing the fairy wings.
I’m not really one to linger — or even embark — on feminist discourse, but are modern dads dodging conversation wrapped around vegetable-flavored snacks? I feel like they aren’t.
In modern dad world (and really, just plain man world), the topic of sports is the ultimate bro (and father) unifier. Guys don’t need to mentally flail around for trending topics to bring up at the zoo with fellow modern dads because men aren’t held responsible for talking about little Jim’s nightmares or Carl Junior’s newfound interest in sticks.
And so, they get to talk about things they actually care about. Football. Golf. Baseball. Anything but toddler tantrums.
Furthermore, if the ultimate conversation unifier for modern dads is sports, what is the conversation unifier for modern moms?
We can’t just walk up to a mom clique and open up with, “Did you see that tackle last night?”
No. We have to be a bit more strategic with our chit-chat exchanges.
Maybe if I create “More Than A Mom” slogan tees, it will spark conversation for modern moms everywhere, which will then spark the Momtrovert Movement. The world is our oyster, after all.
The more we normalize talking to our kids’ daycare teachers about the latest restaurant we went to in addition to our son’s most recent apple tree painting, the more fun we’re all going to have during those in-between-don’t-need-to-be-awkward moments.
And the more we do that, the more we will appreciate/respect one another for reciprocating human discussions over the exhaustive robot mom babble.
So the next time you’re at your child’s basketball game or chaperone school event, give yourself and your fellow mom peers the gratification of stimulating conversation in order to…spice things up in your modern mom life!
All you modern moms out there looking to break free from boring mommy talk, it is our time to shine.
Thank you for reading!
Wanna collab? Email me! @ ashley.lauren.alt@gmail.com.